Biblical beasts, all 7 of them
There're in all 7 beasts mentioned in the Book of Daniel and Revelation.
Four beasts from the Book of Daniel
1.Lion- Babylon
2.Bear- Mede-Perssia
3.Leopard(4 heads)- Greek Empire
4.Iron beast - Roman Empire
Three beasts from the Book of Revelation
a. Red dragon, Satan
b. Sea beast, Anti-Christ (7 heads, 1 with fatal wound, healed later)
c. Lamb beast, False Prophet
The key is the Sea beast, its 7 heads=1+1+4+1, which is the sum of all heads of beast 1-4. 1 wounded head means Roman Empire wounded by the Word of God (Jesus Christ), which is a double-edged sword.
But how that wounded head got healed? To me, it is the Renaissance. Everything you know about Roman Empire was "resurrected" by the Renaissance. The "healing" process is in the period of Holy Roman Empire, by twisting Jesus's preaching of peace.
After getting "healed", The new Roman Empire is globalization, the evil trinity expands to the entire world by technology and greed and new values, etc.
This works for me, does it work for you? Read the entire history, know what's what.
Yes, the Bible covers the entire human history by 7 beasts. It's pretty cool for me. Thank you, pastor Shenton.